The morning after all the commotion of the election night, the campaign leaders for the municipal council elections traditionally united in Nieuwspoort.
Thierry Aartsen (VVD), Derk Boswijk (CDA), Sjoerd Sjoerdsma (D66), Esther-Mirjam Sent (PvdA), Katinka Eikelenboom (GroenLinks), Bart van Kent (SP) and Coen Bom (Hart voor Den Haag) discussed the campaigns for the municipal elections, led by our board members Remco Meijer (Volkskrant) and Fons Lambie (RTL).
The debate focused on the causes for the historically low turnout (50.3%) and on how to increase this turnout in the future. The impact of the war in Ukraine on the campaigns and the consequently reduced role of the national leaders during the campaigns was also discussed. Finally, the most important lessons for next election campaigns were outlined by each campaign leader.
You can watch the debate here: