As tradition is now, the Machiavelli Foundation held a campaign leaders debate after the elections. Even after the recent European parliamentary elections, this breakfast debate was reversed on the campaign.
During the debate, Pieter Paul Slikker (PvdA), Han ten Broeke (VVD), Hans Janssens (CDA), Maarten Hijink (SP), Kees Verhoeven (D66) and Gert-Jan Segers (CU) participated and were supervised by Wilco Boom (parliamentary reporter of the NOS). They discussed the highlights and the low points during the campaign. What objectives did the parties have? How did you want to realize this and to what extent did they succeed? The question was also asked what it was like to campaign in a time of a predominantly negative European sentiment.
During the debate, Pieter Paul Slikker (PvdA), Han ten Broeke (VVD), Hans Janssens (CDA), Maarten Hijink (SP), Kees Verhoeven (D66) and Gert-Jan Segers (CU) participated and were supervised by Wilco Boom (parliamentary reporter of the NOS). They discussed the highlights and the low points during the campaign. What objectives did the parties have? How did you want to realize this and to what extent did they succeed? The question was also asked what it was like to campaign in a time of a predominantly negative European sentiment.