After the Parliamentary elections on Wednesday, March 15, 2017, the Machiavelli Foundation organized the traditional campaign leaders debate on Thursday morning, March 16th, in which the participants looked back on the campaigns. This breakfast debate took place in Press Center Nieuwspoort.
The following campaign leaders participated in the debate: Bas Erlings (VVD), Hans Spekman (PvdA), Hans Janssens (CDA), Sjoerd Sjoerdsma (D66) and Wijnand Duyvendak (GroenLinks). Among other things, there was talk about the highlights and the low points during the campaign. What were the goals of the campaign teams? How did they want to realize this and to what extent did it succeed? And have there been any game changers in the campaign? All these questions have been discussed extensively under the guidance of Wilco Boom (parliamentary reporter of the NOS).
The following campaign leaders participated in the debate: Bas Erlings (VVD), Hans Spekman (PvdA), Hans Janssens (CDA), Sjoerd Sjoerdsma (D66) and Wijnand Duyvendak (GroenLinks). Among other things, there was talk about the highlights and the low points during the campaign. What were the goals of the campaign teams? How did they want to realize this and to what extent did it succeed? And have there been any game changers in the campaign? All these questions have been discussed extensively under the guidance of Wilco Boom (parliamentary reporter of the NOS).